Day of Surgery.
Dr Charlotte Allen operates at Franklin Hospital, Brightside Hospital, Ascot Hospital and Middlemore Hospital. We will confirm with you the date and location of surgery.
The hospital will contact you in the few days before to arrange the time to present as well as when to stop eating and drinking. You must not eat or drink for 6 hours prior to your surgery to allow a safe anaesthetic. You can usually have small amounts of water up to 2 hours before surgery. These instructions will be confirmed by the hospital.
Dr Charlotte Allen, her anaesthetist and the surgical team will meet with you in the pre-operative area before surgery to complete consent and answer any last minute questions.
Your surgery may be day stay or require admission. This will be discussed with you at the time of booking but the hospital will also confirm this with you pre-operatively.
If you are having day stay surgery, you will need someone to drive you home after the surgery and stay with you for the first night.
You will be sent home with a prescription for pain relief as well as post-operative instructions and a follow-up plan.
Please do not hesitate to contact our office with any concerns. For urgent after hour matters, please present yourself to urgent care or hospital. Please contact our office during working hours to inform us of any events.